Projects in development:


How someone, who had to live with mental health issue, can consider reintegrating the working life ? What happens to those who would like to work while they are still struggling with such issue? Testimonies and interviews with people showing great potential and who are trying to find where they belong. Video, 29 min. 2001


Scenario : Mario Calvé, Anne-Marie Turcotte
Research : Francine Plante, Luc Vigneault

Direction of photography : Mario Calvé
Sound recording : Louis Léger, Jean Lemieux
Music : Marc Pérusse, Studio du Divan Vert
Music recording and mixing : Joe Petrella, Jean Gioux
Production manager : Frédérique Benoit
Editing, directing and producing : Mario Calvé, Anne-Marie Turcotte

In association with the CAMO for disabled, l’Arrimage inc. and l’Association des groupes d’intervention en défense des droits en santé mentale du Québec (AGIDD-SMQ)

© MAS Vidéo Film inc.